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Massachusetts High School Students Accused Of Creating Online ‘Slave Auction’ In ‘Black People Are Low Class’ Snapchat Group

Written by on 02/22/2024

SOUTHWICK, MA. – In most schools around the world, February is the month when you embrace and teach Black history. However, at a Massachusetts High School, some students took the class lessons too far.

Southwick Regional High School students are accused of holding an online “slave auction” to bid on their Black classmates.

According to WGGB, school officials received reports of possible racially-charged discrimination against Black students. Along with the students allegedly holding an online slave auction, the school also received reports that derogatory remarks were against a Black female student.

In response, the NAACP sent a letter to leaders of the school district, including Jennifer Willard, superintendent of Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional Schools. That letter demanded an investigation into these alleged racial bullying incidents.

“In 2024, for that type of behavior to be going on among teenagers lets us know that we have a myriad of problems, one of them being the fact that racism is being passed down from generation to generation,” said Bishop Talbert Swan, president of the Greater Springfield NAACP. “We want them to be concerned about the well-being and the safeguarding of the student instead of their reputation.”

On Tuesday, Superintendent Willard issued a statement that said the district emailed parents on Feb. 12 to inform them of a “highly inappropriate and racist conversation on Snapchat that involved students at Southwick Regional School.”

Willard also said the district told parents an investigation had begun and police were notified.

Here’s the thing: Racist white kids need to follow the news more. If they did, they would know that year after year after year, their fellow Kiddie Klan Kadets get themselves into trouble over their racist videos, racist proposals (with the same stupid joke about “picking cotton” and “picking you), and, of course, for their racist online activities, particularly on the social media platform Snapchat.

A group of students at Southwick Regional High School in western Massachusetts have been accused of of creating an online “slave auction” in a Snapchat group called “Black people are low class.” According to NBC 10 Boston, the group of students allegedly placed bids on Black students at Southwick of $2 and $4.

If these kids watched the news more, they would know that the Snapchat slave auction has already been done to death by their fellow Nursery Nazis. Just saying, if you can’t be kind, at least be original.

The issue didn’t end online as Black students at the school reportedly claimed to have endured racist behavior from the alleged mock slave auctioneers in person as well.

From NBC 10:

The mother of a 13-year-old student at the high school told WWLP that her daughter was called “the N-word to her face and then another child used another slur in her classroom in her presence, where she’s the only person of color.”

The 13-year-old’s mother said she notified the school about the incidents, but nothing was done to address the issue, according to WWLP.

“I need for her to be safe and I need to know that she’s comfortable and not doing it because she knows she has to. But at the same time, I want the school to take accountability,” Allyson Lopez told WWLP. “It’s 2024 and racism is real and it’s alive but we all know that. As educators in a school system, I think it’s really important for them to practice what they preach.”

According to Superintendent Jennifer Willard, an investigation into the Snapchat group concluded Friday, but she said officials are “unable to comment on the specific disciplinary consequences and/or other steps taken by the district.”

“We can assure the community that the district does issue consequences in accordance with our school code of conduct in these types of circumstances,” Willard wrote in a statement. “As stated in our original email to the community, the district firmly believes that racism and discrimination have no place in our school community.”

Meanwhile, the Hampden District Attorney’s Office said they “became aware of an alleged hate-based incident” last Thursday and will “investigate any such allegations and will prosecute any criminal violations vigorously.”

These allegations aren’t the first time the district has run into problems. In 2022, some students were accused of writing racial slurs in one of the men’s bathrooms at the school. At the time, in an email to parents, the principal called it one of the most disrespectful and hateful acts that he witnessed on campus, WGGB reports.

As history seems to repeat itself, Bishop Swan said it’s time to take action.

“The dignity of human beings should take place 12 months out of the year,” added Bishop Swan. “But we do put a special emphasis on the month of February. To have to deal with young men engaging in this type of racist, disrespectful type of behavior during this time is reprehensible.”